Fear God

Oct 30, 2022    Dave Adams

Matthew 10:21-31

Not all of your friends and family will be happy that you are living a holy life.

Jesus warned his disciples that they would be targets of the same hatred that He experienced. Romans 8:17-18

You will be saved if you do not allow the nonbeliever’s hatred to change your mind and erode your faith.

Jesus faithfully supports His disciples and the truth they proclaim so that they do not falter.

It is enough to be like Jesus. Galatians 2:20

Truth cannot be hidden.

Fearlessly proclaim the truth.

Do not be afraid of men that can kill your body. John 19:8-11

Be afraid of God who can banish you from His loving presence eternally. Romans 8:37-39, 11:22

True disciples are valuable to God. Romans 8:31-32

What are you afraid of?