Travel Light
Matthew 10:1-15
This is the first time the disciples were called apostles.
Jesus gave the apostles authority to do the works of His kingdom. Isaiah 35:3-6
The King gave the apostles specific instructions about where to go, who to minister to, and what to do.
The apostles were sent to proclaim that the kingdom of heaven had come near.
Jesus sent the apostles with His authority and the peace He came to give His people. Luke 22:35-38
Jesus prepared the apostles for the dust of rejection and told them what to do with it. Matthew 10:40
The people of Sodom did not welcome the ministers God sent. They rejected God’s kingdom and were punished.
Ezekiel 16:49-50
Are you carrying God’s peace and authority or the heavy burdens of a different kingdom? Romans 5:1-5