COMMIT to Community

Jan 22, 2023    Matt Mouzakis

Commit to Community

We were created for community by a communal God.

Genesis 2:18, Eph 4:15-16

“There can be no maturity in the spiritual life, no obedience in following Jesus, no wholeness in the Christian life apart from immersion and embrace of community. I am not myself by myself.” - Eugene Peterson

Acts 2:42-47

The church experiences family life together in 4 ways: spiritually, physically, emotionally, and missionally.

Spiritual (v42-43)

We are called to be a community committed to learning, fellowship, and worship.

Matt 28:19-20, 1 Thes 2:8 

Physical (v44-45)

We are called to be a community committed to generosity. 

1 John 3:17-18

Emotional (v46-47)

We are called to be a community committed to joy. 

Missional (v46-47)

We are called to be a community committed to unity.

Phil 1:27-28

What obstacles are holding you back from committing to community?

What steps will you take to help build an Acts 2 community at Mt. Zion?