In the Waiting...
In the waiting - Advent - we place ourselves in the shoes of ancient Israel who were waiting and preparing for the appearing of the Messiah.
Malachi 3:1-2
In the waiting, we must prepare our hearts so that we don’t kill what Jesus is trying to do in us.
Luke 3:1-19
In the waiting, we must disentangle ourselves from the world. James 4:4, Luke 18:8b
In the waiting, we need to live out the fruit of repentance: justice, mercy, and humility. Micah 6:8
In the waiting, we should be formed into the image of Christ and display that image boldly to the world. 2 Cor 3:18
Luke 7:18-23
In the waiting, we need to examine our expectations so that we don’t miss the Messiah.
Luke 7:29-30
In the waiting, we need to die to ourselves so that we can stand when He appears.