Children of the Light
1 Thessalonians 5
Jesus will return unexpectedly as a righteous judge who was at the scene of every crime.
Darkness that hides man’s actions from God does not exist. Psalms 139:10-11
Children of the light have nothing to hide and nothing to fear.
Children of the light encourage one another and live in peace with each other.
Children of the light should lovingly warn those in darkness that the light is coming.
Children of the light leave vengeance to God. Romans 12:17-21
Children of the light always rejoice, pray, and give thanks to God for their salvation.
Always consider God’s purpose in every predicament.
Cling to good and reject evil.
God is able to keep you in the light.
Do not take verse 26 literally today.
Bask in the light of Jesus while you wait for His return.