Let Justice Roll
Jun 28, 2020 • Steve Thorngate
Amos 5:1-27 ESV
1.The gate was an ancient city’s courtroom.
2.Seeking idols leads to injustice
3.Seeking the LORD leads to life. Vs 4,6,14
4.The world hates those who speak the truth Vs 10
5.The Bible links justice with righteousness Vs 7, 24 Ps 89:14, Gen 18:19, etc.
6.Biblical justice leads to restoration.
7.God will not receive worship from the unjust. Vs 21-24, Matt 23:23
8.God does not grade individuals or nations, “on the curve.”
9.Do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God can be summed up as, “Love your neighbor.” Micah 6:8