Bearing the Image of God
GEN 2:15 So the LORD God took the man [He had made] and settled him in the Garden of Eden to cultivate and keep it.
“Cultivate” is the Hebrew word “abad” meaning to work or serve.
“Keep” is the Hebrew word “shamar” meaning to watch or guard.
The duties of the Levitical priests are found in Numbers 3:6-8; 3:31, 36; 4:28; 8:25-26; & 18:1-7.
John 3:14-15
The Israelites were told: “I am the only God you will worship” (Exodus 20:3), and “don’t worship any images whatsoever” (20:4-6).
Psalm 8:4-6
EXODUS 3:11-12
Exodus 19:1-6
“For the LORD has chosen Jacob for himself, Israel as his own portion or possession (segullah).” (Psalms 135:4 ESV)
“Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain”
I Peter 2:9
2 TIMOTHY 2:12
1 Corinthians 6:2-3
Many of us are entangled in the world. (2Ti 2:4)
I Samuel 17:45-47
May we represent God in such a way that "the whole earth may know”
Recommended Reading:
Bearing God's Name: Why Sinai Still Matters: Carmen Joy Imes
One.Life: Jesus Calls, We Follow -by Scot McKnight
Ryan and Krista Bensheimer have 4 boys; Ty, Will, Kade, and Reid. They have attended Mt Zion since 2015. Krista teaches PE and is the athletic Director at Mt Zion Christian School.
Ryan has a Th.D in Theology and is the head of the the Biblical Studies department at Covenant Theological Seminary. He co-leads a theology youtube channel with Pastor Matt Mouzakis called Expedition44. He just finished a book entitled “this is the way [?]” that is due to be released in print this summer.