Ephesians 3: Ministers of the Mystery
May 3, 2020 • Dave Adams
Ephesians 3
Paul’s ministry was the same in prison as it was in freedom.
Jesus revealed Himself to the zealous Jewish Pharisee Saul and transformed him into Paul the Apostle to the Gentiles. Acts 9:1-6
God used a converted Jewish Pharisee to welcome Gentiles into the Christian family.
Paul defines this mystery in verse six.
Paul’s ministry is described in verses eight and nine.
Evil rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms promote destructive division and idol worship.
God’s wisdom is revealed to the world by the church that is rooted and grounded in love.
God’s grace enables and empowers His church.
Nothing is impossible with God. Mathew 19:23-26
Be ministers of the mystery! 2 Corinthians 5:11-21