A Glimmer of Hope

Jul 5, 2020    Dave Adams

In Chapter 6 Amos confronts the ​false security of a ​complacent​ Israel. Amos 6:1

In Chapters 7-8 Amos shares his two visions of what ​could​ happen to Israel and his two visions of what ​would​ happen to Israel.

Intercession ​spared​ Israel from being punished with locusts and fire. Amos 7:2-3, 5-6

A ​fixed​ plumb line was used to measure Israel. Amos 7:7-8

The vision of ripe fruit represented the ripening of Israel’s ​sin​. Amos 8:1-2

“There is a ripening in ​holiness​ till we are gathered by the hand of Jesus for heaven and a ripening in ​sin​ till we are swept away with the rough hand of death and are cast away into the rottenness of destruction” (Spurgeon)

Israel did ​not​ receive the word of God spoken by Amos. Amos 7:12-13, Jeremiah 8:20

Sin must be purged from Israel ​before restoration to righteousness may take place.Amos 9:8-15

By God’s grace ​Israel​ exists today.

Will sin destroy the United States or will the church wake up?
Romans 11:21-23